Origins and History:

Cinnamon's story takes us back centuries when it was considered a precious commodity. Beyond its well-known bark, did you know that even the leaves of the cinnamon tree have culinary and medicinal significance?

join me on a flavourful journey as we explore the wonders of cinnamon.

Origins and History:

Cinnamon's story takes us back centuries when it was considered a precious commodity. Beyond its well-known bark, did you know that even the leaves of the cinnamon tree have culinary and medicinal significance?

Cinnamon Leaves: A Hidden Treasure:

Cinnamon isn’t just the bark; it's a symphony of flavours that includes the often-overlooked leaves. These leaves can be a game-changer in your culinary creations, offering both taste and health benefits.

Cooking with Cinnamon Leaves:
Elevate the flavour and aroma of various dishes by including cinnamon leaves. Enhance soups, stews, curries, and braised meats with their sweet and spicy notes. You can even use them as an alternative to bay leaves in your recipes.
Tea Time with Cinnamon Leaves:
Brew a calming tea using cinnamon leaves to soothe an upset stomach. Simply boil water and steep several fresh or dried leaves. Enjoy it plain or with honey, lemon, or other spices to suit your taste.
Essential Oil Elegance:
Explore the aromatic realm by using cinnamon leaf oil in aromatherapy to uplift mood and alleviate stress. Infuse this oil into lotions, soaps, and beauty products for a soothing effect on the skin.
Spice Up Your Life:
Grind dried cinnamon leaves into a powder to introduce a burst of flavour and aroma into your cooking. Add the powder to baked goods, breakfast cereals, or smoothies for a distinctive touch.

Homemade Cinnamon Leaf Oil Recipe:

For those feeling adventurous, here's a simple recipe to craft your homemade cinnamon leaf oil:


250g Fresh or dried cinnamon leaves.
Carrier oil (olive oil or sweet almond oil work well)
A dated labeled clean, airtight glass jar with a lid.
A small saucepan


Wash and air-dry the cinnamon leaves.
Place the leaves in the glass jar.
Pour enough carrier oil over the leaves to completely submerge them.
Seal the jar tightly.
Allow the mixture to infuse for at least two weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking it gently every few days.
After two weeks, strain the oil using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean bowl or another jar to separate the oil from the remnants.
Transfer the strained oil back into the original glass jar or a new container with a tight-fitting lid.

For a stronger aroma, you can repeat the process with fresh cinnamon leaves.

Now, you have a personalised touch of cinnamon leaf oil to elevate your culinary creations.

In summary, cinnamon leaves are not just a culinary accessory; they're a hidden gem with a spectrum of possibilities. Whether you're infusing them into your dishes or crafting your cinnamon leaf oil, this versatile spice adds a unique touch to your kitchen adventures.

Happy cooking and exploring, David!

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