Welcome to Coeur de Xocolate,  I’m David, an award-winning chef, chocolatier, and internationally recognised judge. 

With years of experience in the world’s most prestigious food competitions, I bring a unique blend of knowledge, passion, and discernment to every event I judge.

My Credentials

Disciple of Escoffier: 

As a Disciple of Escoffier, I uphold the highest standards of culinary excellence, honouring the legacy of one of the greatest chefs in history. This prestigious affiliation reflects my commitment to culinary tradition, innovation, and quality.

food judge world steak challengeWorld Steak Challenge:

As a judge at the World Steak Challenge, I’ve evaluated the finest steaks from around the globe, focusing on quality, taste, and craftsmanship. My expertise ensures that only the best cuts earn recognition.


Great Taste Awards

Being a part of the Great Taste Awards, I’ve had the privilege of tasting and judging a diverse range of food products. My refined palate and comprehensive understanding of flavours help identify outstanding products that deserve the coveted Great Taste star.

Academy of Chocolate:

At the Academy of Chocolate, I assess the finest chocolates, considering everything from bean origin to final taste. My background as a chocolatier and consultant allows me to appreciate the nuances and complexities of each entry.

International Chocolate Awards:

Judging at the International Chocolate Awards, I evaluate entries from the world’s top chocolatiers. My experience ensures that only chocolates of exceptional quality and innovation are awarded.

British Pie Awards:

As a judge at the British Pie Awards, I examine pies for their crust, filling, and overall execution. My culinary background helps me recognise the traditional and creative elements that make a pie truly outstanding.

British Chocolate Awards:

As head judge for British Chocolate Awards, I bring a meticulous eye and refined palate to the evaluation process, ensuring that the best of British chocolate is celebrated and honoured.


Why Choose My Judging Expertise?

- Unparalleled Experience: With a career spanning 50 years and numerous high-profile awards myself, and extensive international experience I offer a depth of knowledge and a critical eye that few can match.

- Attention to Detail: My evaluations are thorough and precise, focusing on every aspect of the product to ensure the highest standards are met.

- Passion for Excellence: I am deeply passionate about food and dedicated to promoting the highest quality products in the industry.

- Versatility: My expertise covers a wide range of culinary fields, from seafood, steak and pies to chocolates and gourmet foods, making me a versatile judge for any food competition.

Get in Touch

If you’re looking for a judge who can bring a wealth of experience and a discerning palate to your event, look no further. Contact us  today to discuss how we can contribute to your next competition.

Coeur de Xocolate Ltd 

Let’s celebrate culinary excellence together!


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